Similarity Check


Similarity check is an avenue to investigate and compare a write up either scientific or non-scientific against some sources. The sources used here are the database which includes billions of web pages: both current and archived content, a repository of work that has been submitted to Crossref Similarity Check, iThenticate and Turnitin in the past, and a collection of documents, which comprises of 70+ billion web pages,69+ million premium scholarly content items, 135+ million open access journals, books, conference proceedings, and other content items.

When a submission is made, it is not check for plagiarism in it but rather to checks a submission against database content , and if there are situation where the submission's content matches or similar to one or more sources, it will be noted for consideration or review.

When using our Similarity Check, you will have access to the content database of over 80 million works from more than 1000 scholarly publisher globally and when a submission matches any content from the database, you will be able to see the entire document in Side By Side Comparison mode.

Benefits of Similarity check

File Types and Size

Our similarity check currently accepts the following file types for document upload:

Our similarity check accepts document not more than 50 pages or 25,000 words for a single upload and assessment


The Report provides an overall similarity breakdown for submission to the Similarity Check. This breakdown shows the percentage of similarity between a submission and content existing in the database of the comparison tool, iThenticate, Crossref and Turnitin.

It is naturally perfect for a submission to match against database sources. If the submission has used quotes and has referenced correctly, there will be instances where there will be a match. Kindly note that the similarity score in the report simply makes the you to be aware of any problem areas in the submission; the tool can then be used as part of a larger process, in order to determine if the match is or is not acceptable.

Click here for a sample report

How to use Similarity check

To take the benefit of our similarity check product, you will need to take the following steps